
대학원 게시판

[Ewha Frontier 10-10] 해외 석학 초빙콜로키움 시리즈 - [05] Hwajin Yang 교수님

  • 심리학과 관리자

안녕하세요. 2024.7.31.에 Ewha Frontier 10-10 심리학과 사업단에서 Hwajin Yang 교수님(Associate Professor of Psychology at Singapore Management Univ.)을 모시고 해외 석학 초빙 콜로키움 시리즈를 진행합니다. 많은 참여 바랍니다!

- 일시 : 2024.7.31. (수) 11:00 ~ 12:00
- 장소 : 신청자에 한해 개별공지 (대면강의)
- 콜로키움 주제 :  Smartphone Use Across the Lifespan: Tracing the Roots and Repercussions
- 콜로키움 내용
* 스마트폰 사용과 인지적·사회정서적 영향 간의 관계
* 스마트폰 과다 사용의 결과
* 스마트폰 과다 사용의 다면적인 전제 조건
* 스마트폰 과다 사용을 유발하는 다양한 심리적 요인들

- Abstract
This seminar offers a comprehensive exploration of the intricate dynamics of smartphone use, examining both its antecedents and repercussions. Drawing from my extensive research program, I will present insights into the complex relationship between smartphone use and its cognitive and socioemotional impacts across different age groups. In the first part, I will discuss the significant consequences of smartphone overuse. Key findings from my studies reveal that problematic smartphone use in college students leads to impaired executive functioning, psychological distress, and aggressive behavior. Conversely, social media use in older adults is associated with positive cognitive and socioemotional outcomes, depending on their usage patterns. For adolescents, social media engagement correlates with poorer body image, underscoring the age-specific effects of digital interactions. In the second part, I will introduce the multifaceted antecedents of smartphone overuse, providing a thorough understanding of the various psychological factors driving these behaviors across different age demographics.

-참가신청 링크

- 문의
: 10-10 박사후연구원 임경민(kmlim2019@gmail.com)
: 10-10 행정연구원 이지우(jw961223@naver.com)