
대학원 게시판

[Ewha Frontier 10-10] 해외 석학 초빙콜로키움 시리즈 - [03] David Sherman 교수님

  • 심리학과 관리자

안녕하세요. 2024.7.19.에 Ewha Frontier 10-10 심리학과 사업단에서 David Sherman 교수님(Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, Psychological & Brain Sciences 전공)을 모시고 해외 석학 초빙 콜로키움 시리즈를 진행합니다. 많은 참여 바랍니다!

- 일시 : 2024.7.19. (금) 11:00 ~ 12:00
- 장소 : 신청자에 한해 개별공지 (대면강의)
- 콜로키움 주제 :  Reducing Stress and Facilitating Adaptive Health Behaviors: A Self-Affirmation Perspective
- 콜로키움 내용
* ‘자기가치확인 이론’ 소개
* 자기가치확인과 건강에 관한 다양한 분야의 연구 검토
* 스트레스 감소 및 적응적 행동 촉진을 위한 자기가치확인의 잠재력에 대한 논의

- Abstract
Experiences, events, and information that threaten a valued self-image can lead to defensiveness, stress, and underperformance. Self-affirmation theory proposes that individuals possess a flexible self-system such that they can respond to threats in one part of life by affirming self-worth in other domains. In social psychology research, this has been examined in studies where people affirm important values in the context of self-threatening events or information. I will review research on self-affirmation and health across a number of domains. Self-affirmation has been explored as a means to facilitate the acceptance of threatening health information, to reduce the physiological costs of stress for those experiencing chronic and naturalistic stressors, and as a potential coping strategy for people with disease. These studies utilize laboratory, on-line, and field methodologies across a range of populations. Discussion will center on the potential for affirmations to be integrated into existing efforts and with other psychological approaches to reduce stress and facilitate adaptive health behaviors.

-참가신청 링크

- 문의
: 10-10 박사후연구원 임경민(kmlim2019@gmail.com)
: 10-10 행정연구원 이지우(jw961223@naver.com)